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Adjuvant Radiation Therapy of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma: The Role of Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT)

Adjuvant Radiation Therapy of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma: The Role of Intraoperative Radiotherapy... Purpose. The pur pose is to revie w the natu ral hi story, the cl inicopathological prog nostic f actors, and t he rol e of adjuvant radiation the rapy with par ticular attention to the li mited but fav orable experience w ith IOR T. Methods. Retroperitoneal sarco mas present a continuing the rapeutic chal lenge to the onc ologist. In con trast to sarc omas of the ex tremity and supe r® cial tr unk in w hich complete rese ction pl us radiation the rapy results i n ex cellent loc al c ontrol, sarcomas of the re troperitoneum are difficult to rese ct and e ven if completely rese cted, de monstrate hig h rate s of local relapse, the pr imary pattern o f failure. Due to the prox imity of normal organs, the de livery of therapeutic d oses of adjuvant external beam radiation the rapy is problematic.T o de liver ade quate dose s (>60 Gy) of external beam to mo st pa tients woul d result in u nacceptable t oxicity. The the rapeutic dil emma is unfortunate an d bet ter strate gies are needed. O ne a ttractive approach has been to in corporate int raoperative radi ation t herapy (IORT) w ith max imal resection an d ex ternal be am radia- tion. Results and Dis cussion . A number of institutions ha ve explored t his approach with en couraging prel iminary results. Key words: retroperitoneal sarcoma, intraoperative radiation therapy (IO RT), high-dose r ate IO RT, electron beam, complications Introduction doses ( >60 Gy) of external be am r adiation w ould result i n u naccept able toxicity. The t herapeut ic Retroperitoneal s arcomas p resent a continuing ch al- dilemma is u nfortunate a nd be tter s trategies ar e lenge t o the oncolog i st. With only 1 000 cases needed. On e a ttractive approach h as been t o diagnosed p er year in the USA, t hey are a rare tu mor, incorporate in traoperative ra diation th erapy using comprising a bout 15% of all sarcomas and 40% of all 1 either el ectrons (I OERT) or hi gh-dose r ate photons primary r etroperitoneal t umors. Their rar ity impedes delivered via remote a fterloading (HD R-IORT) wi th data collection an d lim its the power of adequately maximal re section and e xternal beam r adiation.T he designed tr ials. I n co ntrast, the published d ata with purpose of this review is to overview the need for extremity sar coma i s m ore e xtensive. I t has been effective adjuvant radiation after maximal re section clearly d ocumented th at complete r esection p lus of retroperitoneal s arcomas an d to report the limited radiation t herapy can locally con trol the overwhelming but e ncouraging e xperience us ing IO RT in c ombina- majori ty of ext remity sarcoma s and s uper® c ial 2± 19 tion with conventional ex ternal beam rad iation. trunk. In t his regard, t he radiation t herapy approach c an be e ither by external b eam, br achy- Clinicopathological prognostic f actors therapy or a combination o f both, yielding lo cal control rates o f 80± 90% and 5 -year overall su rvival Achieving a gross to tal resection (GT R) of either a 7,8,16,20 of 80%. Sarcomas of the retroperitoneum ha ve primary or r ecurrent r etroperitoneal sar coma is by been a far different stor y . Due t o its remote lo cation far the most i mport ant predictive fac tor for lo cal 1,21± 24 with multiple a djacent cr itical organs, sa rcomas ar ising control and s urvival. When G TR is ac hieved, from this location pr esent as large, ad vanced stag e 5-year overall s urvival is abo ut 50% (range 35 ± 74%, tumors t hat are d ifficult t o resect wi th adequate Ta ble 1) Moreover, a fter GTR, th e microscopic margin. Th e pr oximity o f normal or gans su ch as residual d isease s tatus appears im portant as patient viscera an d n eurovascular str uctures has made th e with microscopic d isease pr esent appear to have worse 25 22 delivery of therapeutic d oses of postoperative e xternal survival and/or lo cal co ntrol compared t o those beam ir radiation pr oblematic. T o d eliver ad equate with negative re sidual.T he o utlook fo r p atients with Correspondence to: Kenneth S. Hu, MD, Attending, The Charle s and Bernice Blitman, Department of Radiation Oncology, Beth Israel Medical Ce nter, 1 0 U nion Square East, NewY ork, NY 10003, U SA.Te l: 2 12 844 -8022; F ax: 212 8 44-8086; kh 1357-714Xprint/136 9-1643online/00/010 011-06 2000T aylor & Francis Ltd 12 K. S. H u & L. B . H arrison Table 1. Local co ntrol and survival aft er g ross to tal r esection of r etroperitoneal sa rcomas %RT No. of Med F/U (median 5-year LR 5-year OS Tx Date patients (years) %HG dose) (actuarials %) (actuarials) % MSKCC 1982± 97 18 5* 2.3 58 NS 41 70 MSKCC 1982± 87 67 2.6 55 NS 49 74 U Fla 1970± 94 49 NS 54 NS 46 (crude) 58 MSKCC 1951± 77 47 NS NS 40 (NS) 77 40 PMH 1975± 88 45 6.3 NS 8 0 (4 0 Gy) 50 (1 0 y ear 82%) 5 5 (1 0 year 22%) Univ. Minn. 1941± 87 31 11 77 NS NS 48 Netherlands 1973± 90 29 3.2 44 45 63 35 Roswell Park 1957± 80 27 NS NS NS NS 64 MCV 1964± 82 18 NS NS 33 (NS) 56 (crude) 70 HG=high grade, L R=local recurrence, OS=ov erall survival, NS=not state d, MS KCC=Memorial Sloan-Kettering Canc er Center, P MH=Princess M argaret Ho spital, MCV=Medical Co llege of Virginia, *All pati ents prese nted w ith pr imary tumors. gross re sidual d isease is d ismal with 5-year survival o f High-grade s tatus was associated wi th worse d isease- 21,26 less than 5%. Given the importance of achieving speci® c m ortality [relative r isk (R R)=3.2, p=0.001], GTR, ag gressive su rgery m ust be pu rsued.T o o btain higher r isk for d istant m etastases (R R=5, p=0.01) a maximal en bl oc re section, i t is c ommon to resect and in creased lo cal f ailure (R R=2, p=0.01). However, 21,27 abutting or gans. In the Memorial Sloan -Kettering follow-up is sho rt wi th a median tim e of 2.3 years. Cancer C ent er ( MSK CC) seri es, J acques With median fol low-up o f 6.3 years, the data from demonstrated that that resection o f adjacent organs, Princess M argaret Ho spital (PMH) demonstrated n o primarily k idney, b owel o r p ancreas w as required in survival impact of grade. The expe rience f rom M ayo 83% of cases. Despite su ch ag gressive appr oaches, suggested that the apparent in¯ u ence o f grade o n the rate of gross total resection i s abou t 40± 50% of survival in a n earlier repor t w as lost wi th longer foll ow- 1,21,28,29 22 all patients who pr esent fo r re section. Of 500 up. patients who pre sented at MSKCC, o nly 64% of Similar co n¯ icti ng da ta exist for hi stological subty pe primary tumors an d 52% of recurrent s arcomas w ere and pr esentation, bu t no t t umor s tage. Fi ve studies grossly r esected. Among p atients presenting wi th suggest tha t histological su btype has no i mpact o n primary tumors that were re sected with grossly n ega- surviv al but fo ur of these re port that it affects the rate 21,26,30,31,34 tive margins, m edian ov erall su rv ival was 103 months of distant m e tastases. Two of these vs 18 months fo r tho se with primary tu mors in wh ich suggested that leiomyosarcoma is ass ociated with a 30,34 gross r esidua l disease r emaine d. T here w as no decrease r ate of distant m etastases, but one signi® cant difference in su rvival be tween pa tients who reports th e opposite effect of leiomyosarcoma. Lewis were u nr esecta ble and t hose w ho u nd erwent reported t hat liposarcoma had a higher r ate of local incomplete re section. recurrence (RR =2.6, p=0.01) but d id n ot im pact o n Aside f rom the extent o f resection, the prognostic disease-speci® c su rvival m ost li kely d ue to its nega- value o f other c linico pathologi ca l factors a re tive association w ith metastasis (R R=0.2, p=0.01). In controversi al. Most s tudies a nalyzing p rognosti c contrast, two studies r eport that histological s ubtype factors h ave evaluated the impact pr imarily o f grade, can im pact o n su rvival, bo th associating li posarcoma 1,21,25± 23,37 histology, tumor stag e an d pre sentation sta tus. with improved su rvival. Recurrent p resentation 27,30± 33 In th e majority of these s tudies, h igh-grade status had no st atistically signi® ca nt i mpact o n sur vival 22 30 lesions app ear to confer a worse su rvival by as much in one study but d id in an other. Tu mor siz e is as 30± 70% com pare d w ith low- gr ade report ed c ons ist ently no t to in¯ u ence 21,26,27,31± 33 21,31,33,34 31,33 lesions; however, s tudies fr om s everal survival or r isk for loca l fa ilure. However, major ce nters h ave not d emonstrated any impact of T3 lesions (ba sed on th e Russell sta ging syst em) wh ich 22± 24,28 grade on s urvival. Among the studies th at invade ad jacent organs ha ve been re ported to impact 31,33 evaluate whether g r ade i mpacts o n p atterns o f negatively o n s urvival. Of 1 98 patients who wer e 28,30,34± 36 failure, four su ggest that high-grade t umors followed fo r at least 5 years, H eslin r eported tha t are ass ociated wi th an in creased in cidence o f distant patients a live at 5 years t ended t o present wi th primary metastases with three o f them sh owing n o im pact o n low- gr ade, l iposar comas i n w hich G TR w as local f ailure whil e o ne f ound tha t high-grade d esigna- achieved. tion in creased the risk f or l ocal fai lure. O n th e other hand, t wo studies sug gest tha t high-grade tum or sta tus Patterns of failure after gross total re section has no i n¯ u ence o n t he rates o f distant m etas- 1,22 tases. Lewis r eport ed r ecently an a nalysis of After G TR, pa tterns of failure s tudies i ndicate that prognostic f actors b ased o n d ata of 231 MSKCC local r elapse re presents the primary mode of failure. patients with primary d isease un dergoing G TR. However, loc al fail ure after complete re section oc curs Radiation therapy of retrop eritoneal sarcoma 13 in 41 ± 77% (Table 1). In t he largest s uch s tudy fr om bowel as well as various rad iation the rapy treatment MSKCC, lo cal f ailure alo ne as a ® rst s ite o f recur- techniques (de cubitis p osition, o blique ® elds) m ay rence o ccurred in 81% of all failures an d was a improve tole rance to modest do ses (50 ± 55 Gy) but component o f 90% of failures. Distant metastases do n ot in ge neral p ermit t herapeutic d oses. P reopera- to lung or li ver ac counted for 19% of all ® rst f ailures. tive radiation has been ad vocated to improve r esecta- Local failure alo ne c omprised a higher pr oportion o f bility and m inimize bo wel t oxicity; how ever, it s e fficacy ® rst f ailures for t hose present ing wi th recurrent disea se remains to be de monstrated an d a chieving d oses for 22,39 compared to those p resenting with primary d isease optimal c ontrol is n ot feas ible. (92% vs. 67%, respectively). I n a literature re view of 310 patients achieving g ross total resection, F ein Clinical experience wit h IORT in the t reatment showed t hat 47% recur re d l ocally while 2 1% of retroperitoneal sa rcoma developed d istant m etastases. Of 135 recurrent The ad dition of IORT to maximal r esection an d cases, 81% had a local c omponent of failure a nd EBRT re presents an attrac tive approach to delivering 37% had a di stant compone nt . Comm on l ife- more e ffective adjuvant treatment.T o d ate, there has threatening co mplications re sulting fr om l ocal r ecur- been on ly a limited e xperience with this approach renc e i nc lude s epsis, gast roint estina l bleedi ng , (Table 2). A r andomized tr ial at the NCI showed obstruction, p erforation, ® stula, bi liary obstruction signi® c antly better lo cal c ontrol with IOERT an d and o bstructive n ephropathy. Due to the high loc al post-operative EBRT 40% (6/15) vs post-operative failure r ates d espite m aximal s urgery,the role of adju- EBRT a lone 8 0% (16/20) p<0.05 at a median vant treatment b ecomes cr ucial. follow-up o f 8 years. All pat ients underwent g ross total resection a nd w ere ran domized to either EB RT Adjuvant external beam ra diation of 35± 40 Gy and 20 Gy IORT wi th misonidazole or Based on the highly s uccessful ex perience in e xtremity to 50± 55 Gy of EBRT a lone. T he I OERT a rm sarcoma, it is c lear tha t radiation de livered e ither by experienced s igni® c antly more pe ripheral n europathy external b eam r adiother apy (EBRT) or b rachy- (60% vs 5%, p<0.05), while the EBRT o nly ar m had therapy (BT) can se rve as effective adjuvant treat- a signi® can tly higher rat e of gastrointestinal com plica- 7,8,10,16,20 ment f or s arcoma. To c ontrol g r ossly tions, in cluding a higher r ate of disabling c hronic resected e xtremity s arcomas, EB RT d oses of 60± 70 enteritis [50% (10/20) vs 7%(2/15), respectively] an d 7,8,16,20 Gy or B T d oses o f 45 Gy are n eede d. ® stula [ 25% (5/20) vs 0%(0/15), respectively]. T he Combined BT (15 ± 20 Gy) plus EB RT (45 ± 50 Gy) higher i ncidence o f peripheral n europathy i n th e have also be en u sed. Achieving s uch d oses to treat IORT a rm wa s attributed to multiple f actors in cluding retroperitoneal sar comas i s p roblematic d ue to the the dose o f 20 Gy, the use o f a concomitant rad iosen- radiation t olerance o f the surrounding or gans as well sitizer w hich itse lf is n eurotoxic, an d th e use of large as the large ar eas tha t need t o be ad dressed.T e pper’ s pelvic el ectron ® elds n ear the lumbosacral pl exus. study su ggested that a post-operative E BRT d ose The M GH ex perience wi th IOERT was also f avo- greater t han >60 Gy produced be tter lo cal co ntrol rable (T able 2). Of 20 patients receiving p reopera- 83% (5/6) vs 33% (2/6) for < 50 Gy. Catton showed tive EBRT to 40± 50 Gy, 14 had a complete re section. that the addition of radiation in creased the time to Ten o f the 14 completely re sected p atients received in-® eld lo cal failu re fr om 30 to 103 months (p< 0.05), IORT t o a median do se of 15 Gy (10± 15 Gy) for especially if a dose of >35 Gy was delivered. Fein microscopic r esidual tu mor, w hile the other fo ur showed th at of 21 retroperitoneal s arcoma patien ts, received n o f urther b ecause o f extensive tu mor be ds local fai lure was 25% (2/8) vs 38% (5/13) if the dose that could n ot b e en compassed in an I ORT ® eld. A t delivere d w as <55.2 Gy vs >55.2 Gy. Cody a median fo llow-up of 3 years, only 10% (1/10) who demonstrated an incr ease in 5 -year survival r ates from underwent G TR an d I ORT f ailed lo cally. Seven of 30 to 53% in 15 patients who rec eived ad juvant radia- 10 are NED , while thr ee d eveloped m etastasis. Non e tion after GTR co mpared to 22 who had G TR alo ne; of the 10 patients undergoin g I ORT a nd G TR however, this was not s tatistically signi® c ant and a developed n europathy. One o f two patients who detailed c omparison of the treatment g roups was not received IO RT and EB RT for g ross re sidual d isease performed. Heslin s howed t hat among 5 -year developed a sensory ne uropathy af ter receiving 17.5 survivors, r adiation the rapy was the only sig ni® c ant Gy of IORT. Bowel tox icity was minimal with only a factor on un ivariate a nalysis t hat decreased loca l recur - 6% small b owel ob struction r ate. At t he same i nstitu- rence. tion in a cohort o f patients treated w ith resection an d Deliveri ng d oses g reater th an 50± 55 Gy with postoperative EB RT w ithout IORT, the 5-year local standard EBRT tec hnique i s toxi c. In the NCI trial, control an d s urvival r ates w ere b oth 54%. Thus, the 54± 55 Gy produced a 50% chronic e nteritis an d 25% addition of IORT appe ared t o improve l ocal co ntrol ® stula rate. Glenn re ported a severe e nteritis rate of and po ssibly su rvival. 22% (8/37) in pat ients receiving a dose of 54 Gy after Other im portant l imited ex periences w ith IOERT GTR, of whom se ven r equired su rgery an d on e di ed have been re ported (T able 2).The Radiation T herapy from bo wel p erforation. Tissue expa nders to displace Oncology Gr oup ( RTOG) con ducted a phase II s tudy 14 K. S. H u & L. B . H arrison Table 2. Efficacy of IO RT in the t reatment o f r etroperi toneal sar coma Med No. of F/U 5 year LR 5 year OS TX Date patients (years) %GTR %HG RT Dose (actuarial, %) (actuarial, %) Mayo Clinic 1981± 97 8 8 3 .5 8 1 62 48.6 Gy EBRT+ 41 47 15 Gy IORT NCl NS 20 100 NS 54± 5 5 Gy EBRT 80 25 8 vs [8-year] [8-year] 15 p=0.05 15 35± 4 0 Gy EBRT+ 40 20 20 Gy IORT [8-year] [8-year] MSKCC 1992± 96 3 2 2 .8 8 4 62 45 Gy EBRT+ 38 56 15 Gy IORT [4-year] [4-year DFS] Institut B ergonie 1991± 94 1 9 1 .4 7 4 74 50 Gy EBRT+ 24 60 (Grade 17 Gy IORT [2-year] [2-year DFS] 2,3) MGH 1981± 89 17 3 82 76 4 0± 5 0 Gy EBRT+ 19 64 15± 2 0 Gy IORT [59%] [4 year] [4-year DFS] RTOG NS 12 1.5 NS 40± 5 0 Gy EBRT+ 17 12.5± 2 0 Gy IORT [2 year] GTR=gross total r esection, HG =high grade, L R=local recurrence, O S=overall survival, DFS=disease fre e sur vival, NCI=National Cancer Inst itute, M GH=Massachusetts General Hospit al, NS=not st ated, M SKCC=Memorial Sloan- Kettering Can cer Ce nter, R TOG=Radiation Therapy Oncology G roup. of int raoperative radi ation f or r e trop er i tonea l gastrointestinal tox icities oc curred i n 1 4% (12/87) sarcomas. A pr eliminary analysis o f 12 patients consisting m ainly of ® stula an d pr octitis. No grade 4 treated w ith EBRT ( 45± 50.4 Gy) plus I OERT toxicities wer e r eported. (12.5± 20 Gy) demonstrated a local f ailure of 17% at The pr eliminary M emorial Sloan -Kettering Can cer a median fo llow-up of 18 months. A t the Institut Center e xperie nce u sing H DR-IORT h as been 35,36 Bergonie, 19 retroperitoneal s arcomas w ere tr eated reported an d i s also fav orable. In a prospective with IOERT af ter maximal r esection. G TR wa s protocol, 32 patients were tr eated w ith gross total achieved in 79% (15/19). The m edian I OERT d ose resection and HDR -IORT (12 ± 15 Gy) followed by was 17 Gy (15± 20 Gy) with 13/19 receiving EBRT at post-operative EB RT (4 5± 50.4 Gy). HDR-IORT w as a median d ose o f 50 Gy (30± 60 Gy). At a median delivered u sing a cable-mounted ir idium-192 s ource follow-up o f 17 months, 2 -year actuarial local fail ure into a super¯ a b afterloading a pplicator. T welve was 24% with 2-year overall su rvival of 60%. Severe patients presented with primary an d 20 with locally late complications oc curred i n 6/ 19 patients and w ere recurrent di sease. T wo -thirds of the patient (20/32) likely m ultifactorial i n o rigin w ith one ` moderate ’ had hi gh-grade d isease an d the median tu mor s ize peripheral n europathy an d o ne ili ac v essel r upture. was 203 12.53 11 cm. A t a median fol low-up o f 33 Petersen at the Mayo Clinic r eported th e largest months (r ange 1 ± 77 months), th e 4-year actuarial experience w ith IOERT in the treatment of 87 retro- local f ailure for a ll patients was 38%. Subset an alysis peritoneal sar coma w ho h ad r eceived m aximal r esec- demonstrated that local f ailure for pr imary tu mors tion a nd pr eoperative EB RT. Eighty-three per ce nt was 26% vs 46% in re current d isease ( p=0.4). Tu mor (72/87) were able to undergo G TR wi th 64% having grade d id n ot im pact o n th e rate of local f ailure (40% microscopic resid ual and 20 % had no res idual tum ors. vs 33% for h igh- and low -grade tu mors, r espectively, All pr imary t umors (43/ 87) and 77% of recurrent p=0.66). A s tatistically signi® c ant higher 4 -year tumors rec eived a preoperative EBR T do se of 45± 48.6 actuarial rate of distant m etastases was detected i n Gy. All pat ients received in traoperative ele ctron r adia- the high-grade vs low-grade tum ors (30% vs 0%, tion to a median do se o f 15 Gy. At a median follow -up p=0.05, respectively). F our-year ac tuarial disease- of 3.5 years, 23% (20/87) developed a local r ecur- free a nd o verall s urv ival were 5 5 and 4 5%, rence wi th a 3- and 5-y ear actuarial local r ecurrence respectively. Neither pr esentation s tatus nor t umor of 23 and 41% , respectively. The am ount o f residual grade im pacted o n d isease-free or ov erall su rv ival. In disease s igni® can tly affected local co ntrol with 5-year this challenging g roup of patients treated w ith an local f ailure o f 0% for n o r esidua l, 43% for aggr es sive c omb ined m o dality reg i men, 34% microscopic r esidual an d 6 3% for g ross r esidual developed co mplications, t he majority of which wer e tumors (p=0.04). Interestingly, local r elapse oc curred multifactorial in etio logy an d re solved w ith conserva- in o nly 7% (3/43) of primary tu mors tre ated with tive management. B owel obs truction wa s the most IORT, EBRT an d G TR. Fi ve-year overall s urvival after gross tot al resection wa s 49%. Grade 3 peripheral common co mplication (18%) and ® stula fo rmation neuropathy oc curred in 10 % (9/87) while g rade 3 occurred in 9%. Also n oteworthy was a 6% (2/32) Radiation therapy of retrop eritoneal sarcoma 15 incidence of femoral ne rve p alsy which wer e m ild reported or it is po ssible that follow-up is t oo s hort to and he aled with out major in tervention. make a ® rm co nclusion. T he im provement in l ocal The l ow rate of peripheral n europathy i s r eas- control w ithout a sur v ival bene® t has been suring. Bas ed on ani mal stu dies an d t he NCI rand- demonstrated for e xtremity s arcomas. Moreover, omized t rial, the main to xicity ass ociated w ith IORT given t he morbidity an d m ortality associated wi th is p eripheral n europathy. A d ose o f 20 Gy appears local f ailure, l ocal c ontrol re mains a worthy objective. to be to xic as signi® ca nt ra tes o f peripheral neu ropathy IORT s eems to be a promising n ew m odality for the developed in the NCI trial (60%), while d oses o f 15 50% of patients whose re troperitoneal sar comas m ay Gy or les s app eared to be be tter tol erated (36% ). be g ross totally resected; howev er, i ts role i n su bto- One of the potential pr oblems with IOERT is th e tally resected patien ts remains t o be d e® n ed. New dependence o n un wieldy, r igid e lectron co nes t o treat treatment ap proaches i ntegrating I ORT, possibly narrow, anatomically complex su rfaces. In ad dition, concurrently wi th new ch emotherapeutic o r o ther if the target is lar ge, abu tting el ectron ® elds m ust b e biological age nts ne ed to be inv estigated. used.T hese f actors in troduce d osimetric i nhomoge- neities tha t may underdose the target or ov erdose References adjacent n ormal tis sue. I n the NCI trial, the most 1 St orm FK, Mahvi DM. D iagnosis an d m anagement o f common s ituation ass ociated wi th the development retroperitoneal soft -tissue sarcoma. Ann Surg 1991; of clinically d ebilitating p eripheral ne uropathy was 214:2± 10. the use o f angled, abu tting ele ctron ® elds to treat 2 Ell is F. Tum or be d im plants at t he t ime of surgery, removable interstitial impl ants with ir idium-192. In: large p elvic t umors. A lthough the signi® can tly lower 2nd Inte rnational Symposium on RadiationTherapy . New rate of peripheral n europathy n oted i n the MSKCC York: Memorial Slo an-Kettering Can cer Ce nter, 1 975. series m ay be d ue to a different p atient population or 3 Gemer LS, et al. Local re currence of soft tissue s arcoma differences in s hielding t echniques, it possibly is following brachythe rapy. Int J Radiat O ncol Biol Phys related t o the type of applicator used. I n co ntrast to 1991; 2 0:587± 9 2. 4 Hilaris B, et al. 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Chicago, IL : Year Book M edical, 1 977, 28 9± 2 98. Conclusion 8 Rose nberg SA, et al. Prospective ran domized evalua - tion o f the ro le o f limb-sparing surgery, radiation In su mmary, the preponderance of the data support therapy, and ad juvant chemoimmunotherapy i n t he the hypothesis that IORT c an im prove l ocal co ntrol. treatment of adult so ft-tissue sarcomas. Surgery 1978; When co mpared t o the local r ecurrence r ates of 84:62± 9. 41± 82% after gross to tal resection witho ut IORT 9 Roy J, et al. Adjuvant endocurietherapy in the man age- (Table 1), the ® ve studies evalu ating t his modality, ment of liposarcomas of the ex tremeties. Endocur Hyper- therm Oncol 1990; 2 :29± 3 5. including a randomized tr ial, indicate tha t IORT do es 10 Sc hray MF, et al. Soft tissue sarc oma. Integration o f appear to decrease loc al f ailure to rates of 19± 41% brachytherapy, resection, and e xternal i rradiation. (Table 2). 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Adjuvant Radiation Therapy of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma: The Role of Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT)

Sarcoma , Volume 4 – Jan 1, 2000

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Purpose. The pur pose is to revie w the natu ral hi story, the cl inicopathological prog nostic f actors, and t he rol e of adjuvant radiation the rapy with par ticular attention to the li mited but fav orable experience w ith IOR T. Methods. Retroperitoneal sarco mas present a continuing the rapeutic chal lenge to the onc ologist. In con trast to sarc omas of the ex tremity and supe r® cial tr unk in w hich complete rese ction pl us radiation the rapy results i n ex cellent loc al c ontrol, sarcomas of the re troperitoneum are difficult to rese ct and e ven if completely rese cted, de monstrate hig h rate s of local relapse, the pr imary pattern o f failure. Due to the prox imity of normal organs, the de livery of therapeutic d oses of adjuvant external beam radiation the rapy is problematic.T o de liver ade quate dose s (>60 Gy) of external beam to mo st pa tients woul d result in u nacceptable t oxicity. The the rapeutic dil emma is unfortunate an d bet ter strate gies are needed. O ne a ttractive approach has been to in corporate int raoperative radi ation t herapy (IORT) w ith max imal resection an d ex ternal be am radia- tion. Results and Dis cussion . A number of institutions ha ve explored t his approach with en couraging prel iminary results. Key words: retroperitoneal sarcoma, intraoperative radiation therapy (IO RT), high-dose r ate IO RT, electron beam, complications Introduction doses ( >60 Gy) of external be am r adiation w ould result i n u naccept able toxicity. The t herapeut ic Retroperitoneal s arcomas p resent a continuing ch al- dilemma is u nfortunate a nd be tter s trategies ar e lenge t o the oncolog i st. With only 1 000 cases needed. On e a ttractive approach h as been t o diagnosed p er year in the USA, t hey are a rare tu mor, incorporate in traoperative ra diation th erapy using comprising a bout 15% of all sarcomas and 40% of all 1 either el ectrons (I OERT) or hi gh-dose r ate photons primary r etroperitoneal t umors. Their rar ity impedes delivered via remote a fterloading (HD R-IORT) wi th data collection an d lim its the power of adequately maximal re section and e xternal beam r adiation.T he designed tr ials. I n co ntrast, the published d ata with purpose of this review is to overview the need for extremity sar coma i s m ore e xtensive. I t has been effective adjuvant radiation after maximal re section clearly d ocumented th at complete r esection p lus of retroperitoneal s arcomas an d to report the limited radiation t herapy can locally con trol the overwhelming but e ncouraging e xperience us ing IO RT in c ombina- majori ty of ext remity sarcoma s and s uper® c ial 2± 19 tion with conventional ex ternal beam rad iation. trunk. In t his regard, t he radiation t herapy approach c an be e ither by external b eam, br achy- Clinicopathological prognostic f actors therapy or a combination o f both, yielding lo cal control rates o f 80± 90% and 5 -year overall su rvival Achieving a gross to tal resection (GT R) of either a 7,8,16,20 of 80%. Sarcomas of the retroperitoneum ha ve primary or r ecurrent r etroperitoneal sar coma is by been a far different stor y . Due t o its remote lo cation far the most i mport ant predictive fac tor for lo cal 1,21± 24 with multiple a djacent cr itical organs, sa rcomas ar ising control and s urvival. When G TR is ac hieved, from this location pr esent as large, ad vanced stag e 5-year overall s urvival is abo ut 50% (range 35 ± 74%, tumors t hat are d ifficult t o resect wi th adequate Ta ble 1) Moreover, a fter GTR, th e microscopic margin. Th e pr oximity o f normal or gans su ch as residual d isease s tatus appears im portant as patient viscera an d n eurovascular str uctures has made th e with microscopic d isease pr esent appear to have worse 25 22 delivery of therapeutic d oses of postoperative e xternal survival and/or lo cal co ntrol compared t o those beam ir radiation pr oblematic. T o d eliver ad equate with negative re sidual.T he o utlook fo r p atients with Correspondence to: Kenneth S. Hu, MD, Attending, The Charle s and Bernice Blitman, Department of Radiation Oncology, Beth Israel Medical Ce nter, 1 0 U nion Square East, NewY ork, NY 10003, U SA.Te l: 2 12 844 -8022; F ax: 212 8 44-8086; kh 1357-714Xprint/136 9-1643online/00/010 011-06 2000T aylor & Francis Ltd 12 K. S. H u & L. B . H arrison Table 1. Local co ntrol and survival aft er g ross to tal r esection of r etroperitoneal sa rcomas %RT No. of Med F/U (median 5-year LR 5-year OS Tx Date patients (years) %HG dose) (actuarials %) (actuarials) % MSKCC 1982± 97 18 5* 2.3 58 NS 41 70 MSKCC 1982± 87 67 2.6 55 NS 49 74 U Fla 1970± 94 49 NS 54 NS 46 (crude) 58 MSKCC 1951± 77 47 NS NS 40 (NS) 77 40 PMH 1975± 88 45 6.3 NS 8 0 (4 0 Gy) 50 (1 0 y ear 82%) 5 5 (1 0 year 22%) Univ. Minn. 1941± 87 31 11 77 NS NS 48 Netherlands 1973± 90 29 3.2 44 45 63 35 Roswell Park 1957± 80 27 NS NS NS NS 64 MCV 1964± 82 18 NS NS 33 (NS) 56 (crude) 70 HG=high grade, L R=local recurrence, OS=ov erall survival, NS=not state d, MS KCC=Memorial Sloan-Kettering Canc er Center, P MH=Princess M argaret Ho spital, MCV=Medical Co llege of Virginia, *All pati ents prese nted w ith pr imary tumors. gross re sidual d isease is d ismal with 5-year survival o f High-grade s tatus was associated wi th worse d isease- 21,26 less than 5%. Given the importance of achieving speci® c m ortality [relative r isk (R R)=3.2, p=0.001], GTR, ag gressive su rgery m ust be pu rsued.T o o btain higher r isk for d istant m etastases (R R=5, p=0.01) a maximal en bl oc re section, i t is c ommon to resect and in creased lo cal f ailure (R R=2, p=0.01). However, 21,27 abutting or gans. In the Memorial Sloan -Kettering follow-up is sho rt wi th a median tim e of 2.3 years. Cancer C ent er ( MSK CC) seri es, J acques With median fol low-up o f 6.3 years, the data from demonstrated that that resection o f adjacent organs, Princess M argaret Ho spital (PMH) demonstrated n o primarily k idney, b owel o r p ancreas w as required in survival impact of grade. The expe rience f rom M ayo 83% of cases. Despite su ch ag gressive appr oaches, suggested that the apparent in¯ u ence o f grade o n the rate of gross total resection i s abou t 40± 50% of survival in a n earlier repor t w as lost wi th longer foll ow- 1,21,28,29 22 all patients who pr esent fo r re section. Of 500 up. patients who pre sented at MSKCC, o nly 64% of Similar co n¯ icti ng da ta exist for hi stological subty pe primary tumors an d 52% of recurrent s arcomas w ere and pr esentation, bu t no t t umor s tage. Fi ve studies grossly r esected. Among p atients presenting wi th suggest tha t histological su btype has no i mpact o n primary tumors that were re sected with grossly n ega- surviv al but fo ur of these re port that it affects the rate 21,26,30,31,34 tive margins, m edian ov erall su rv ival was 103 months of distant m e tastases. Two of these vs 18 months fo r tho se with primary tu mors in wh ich suggested that leiomyosarcoma is ass ociated with a 30,34 gross r esidua l disease r emaine d. T here w as no decrease r ate of distant m etastases, but one signi® cant difference in su rvival be tween pa tients who reports th e opposite effect of leiomyosarcoma. Lewis were u nr esecta ble and t hose w ho u nd erwent reported t hat liposarcoma had a higher r ate of local incomplete re section. recurrence (RR =2.6, p=0.01) but d id n ot im pact o n Aside f rom the extent o f resection, the prognostic disease-speci® c su rvival m ost li kely d ue to its nega- value o f other c linico pathologi ca l factors a re tive association w ith metastasis (R R=0.2, p=0.01). In controversi al. Most s tudies a nalyzing p rognosti c contrast, two studies r eport that histological s ubtype factors h ave evaluated the impact pr imarily o f grade, can im pact o n su rvival, bo th associating li posarcoma 1,21,25± 23,37 histology, tumor stag e an d pre sentation sta tus. with improved su rvival. Recurrent p resentation 27,30± 33 In th e majority of these s tudies, h igh-grade status had no st atistically signi® ca nt i mpact o n sur vival 22 30 lesions app ear to confer a worse su rvival by as much in one study but d id in an other. Tu mor siz e is as 30± 70% com pare d w ith low- gr ade report ed c ons ist ently no t to in¯ u ence 21,26,27,31± 33 21,31,33,34 31,33 lesions; however, s tudies fr om s everal survival or r isk for loca l fa ilure. However, major ce nters h ave not d emonstrated any impact of T3 lesions (ba sed on th e Russell sta ging syst em) wh ich 22± 24,28 grade on s urvival. Among the studies th at invade ad jacent organs ha ve been re ported to impact 31,33 evaluate whether g r ade i mpacts o n p atterns o f negatively o n s urvival. Of 1 98 patients who wer e 28,30,34± 36 failure, four su ggest that high-grade t umors followed fo r at least 5 years, H eslin r eported tha t are ass ociated wi th an in creased in cidence o f distant patients a live at 5 years t ended t o present wi th primary metastases with three o f them sh owing n o im pact o n low- gr ade, l iposar comas i n w hich G TR w as local f ailure whil e o ne f ound tha t high-grade d esigna- achieved. tion in creased the risk f or l ocal fai lure. O n th e other hand, t wo studies sug gest tha t high-grade tum or sta tus Patterns of failure after gross total re section has no i n¯ u ence o n t he rates o f distant m etas- 1,22 tases. Lewis r eport ed r ecently an a nalysis of After G TR, pa tterns of failure s tudies i ndicate that prognostic f actors b ased o n d ata of 231 MSKCC local r elapse re presents the primary mode of failure. patients with primary d isease un dergoing G TR. However, loc al fail ure after complete re section oc curs Radiation therapy of retrop eritoneal sarcoma 13 in 41 ± 77% (Table 1). In t he largest s uch s tudy fr om bowel as well as various rad iation the rapy treatment MSKCC, lo cal f ailure alo ne as a ® rst s ite o f recur- techniques (de cubitis p osition, o blique ® elds) m ay rence o ccurred in 81% of all failures an d was a improve tole rance to modest do ses (50 ± 55 Gy) but component o f 90% of failures. Distant metastases do n ot in ge neral p ermit t herapeutic d oses. P reopera- to lung or li ver ac counted for 19% of all ® rst f ailures. tive radiation has been ad vocated to improve r esecta- Local failure alo ne c omprised a higher pr oportion o f bility and m inimize bo wel t oxicity; how ever, it s e fficacy ® rst f ailures for t hose present ing wi th recurrent disea se remains to be de monstrated an d a chieving d oses for 22,39 compared to those p resenting with primary d isease optimal c ontrol is n ot feas ible. (92% vs. 67%, respectively). I n a literature re view of 310 patients achieving g ross total resection, F ein Clinical experience wit h IORT in the t reatment showed t hat 47% recur re d l ocally while 2 1% of retroperitoneal sa rcoma developed d istant m etastases. Of 135 recurrent The ad dition of IORT to maximal r esection an d cases, 81% had a local c omponent of failure a nd EBRT re presents an attrac tive approach to delivering 37% had a di stant compone nt . Comm on l ife- more e ffective adjuvant treatment.T o d ate, there has threatening co mplications re sulting fr om l ocal r ecur- been on ly a limited e xperience with this approach renc e i nc lude s epsis, gast roint estina l bleedi ng , (Table 2). A r andomized tr ial at the NCI showed obstruction, p erforation, ® stula, bi liary obstruction signi® c antly better lo cal c ontrol with IOERT an d and o bstructive n ephropathy. Due to the high loc al post-operative EBRT 40% (6/15) vs post-operative failure r ates d espite m aximal s urgery,the role of adju- EBRT a lone 8 0% (16/20) p<0.05 at a median vant treatment b ecomes cr ucial. follow-up o f 8 years. All pat ients underwent g ross total resection a nd w ere ran domized to either EB RT Adjuvant external beam ra diation of 35± 40 Gy and 20 Gy IORT wi th misonidazole or Based on the highly s uccessful ex perience in e xtremity to 50± 55 Gy of EBRT a lone. T he I OERT a rm sarcoma, it is c lear tha t radiation de livered e ither by experienced s igni® c antly more pe ripheral n europathy external b eam r adiother apy (EBRT) or b rachy- (60% vs 5%, p<0.05), while the EBRT o nly ar m had therapy (BT) can se rve as effective adjuvant treat- a signi® can tly higher rat e of gastrointestinal com plica- 7,8,10,16,20 ment f or s arcoma. To c ontrol g r ossly tions, in cluding a higher r ate of disabling c hronic resected e xtremity s arcomas, EB RT d oses of 60± 70 enteritis [50% (10/20) vs 7%(2/15), respectively] an d 7,8,16,20 Gy or B T d oses o f 45 Gy are n eede d. ® stula [ 25% (5/20) vs 0%(0/15), respectively]. T he Combined BT (15 ± 20 Gy) plus EB RT (45 ± 50 Gy) higher i ncidence o f peripheral n europathy i n th e have also be en u sed. Achieving s uch d oses to treat IORT a rm wa s attributed to multiple f actors in cluding retroperitoneal sar comas i s p roblematic d ue to the the dose o f 20 Gy, the use o f a concomitant rad iosen- radiation t olerance o f the surrounding or gans as well sitizer w hich itse lf is n eurotoxic, an d th e use of large as the large ar eas tha t need t o be ad dressed.T e pper’ s pelvic el ectron ® elds n ear the lumbosacral pl exus. study su ggested that a post-operative E BRT d ose The M GH ex perience wi th IOERT was also f avo- greater t han >60 Gy produced be tter lo cal co ntrol rable (T able 2). Of 20 patients receiving p reopera- 83% (5/6) vs 33% (2/6) for < 50 Gy. Catton showed tive EBRT to 40± 50 Gy, 14 had a complete re section. that the addition of radiation in creased the time to Ten o f the 14 completely re sected p atients received in-® eld lo cal failu re fr om 30 to 103 months (p< 0.05), IORT t o a median do se of 15 Gy (10± 15 Gy) for especially if a dose of >35 Gy was delivered. Fein microscopic r esidual tu mor, w hile the other fo ur showed th at of 21 retroperitoneal s arcoma patien ts, received n o f urther b ecause o f extensive tu mor be ds local fai lure was 25% (2/8) vs 38% (5/13) if the dose that could n ot b e en compassed in an I ORT ® eld. A t delivere d w as <55.2 Gy vs >55.2 Gy. Cody a median fo llow-up of 3 years, only 10% (1/10) who demonstrated an incr ease in 5 -year survival r ates from underwent G TR an d I ORT f ailed lo cally. Seven of 30 to 53% in 15 patients who rec eived ad juvant radia- 10 are NED , while thr ee d eveloped m etastasis. Non e tion after GTR co mpared to 22 who had G TR alo ne; of the 10 patients undergoin g I ORT a nd G TR however, this was not s tatistically signi® c ant and a developed n europathy. One o f two patients who detailed c omparison of the treatment g roups was not received IO RT and EB RT for g ross re sidual d isease performed. Heslin s howed t hat among 5 -year developed a sensory ne uropathy af ter receiving 17.5 survivors, r adiation the rapy was the only sig ni® c ant Gy of IORT. Bowel tox icity was minimal with only a factor on un ivariate a nalysis t hat decreased loca l recur - 6% small b owel ob struction r ate. At t he same i nstitu- rence. tion in a cohort o f patients treated w ith resection an d Deliveri ng d oses g reater th an 50± 55 Gy with postoperative EB RT w ithout IORT, the 5-year local standard EBRT tec hnique i s toxi c. In the NCI trial, control an d s urvival r ates w ere b oth 54%. Thus, the 54± 55 Gy produced a 50% chronic e nteritis an d 25% addition of IORT appe ared t o improve l ocal co ntrol ® stula rate. Glenn re ported a severe e nteritis rate of and po ssibly su rvival. 22% (8/37) in pat ients receiving a dose of 54 Gy after Other im portant l imited ex periences w ith IOERT GTR, of whom se ven r equired su rgery an d on e di ed have been re ported (T able 2).The Radiation T herapy from bo wel p erforation. Tissue expa nders to displace Oncology Gr oup ( RTOG) con ducted a phase II s tudy 14 K. S. H u & L. B . H arrison Table 2. Efficacy of IO RT in the t reatment o f r etroperi toneal sar coma Med No. of F/U 5 year LR 5 year OS TX Date patients (years) %GTR %HG RT Dose (actuarial, %) (actuarial, %) Mayo Clinic 1981± 97 8 8 3 .5 8 1 62 48.6 Gy EBRT+ 41 47 15 Gy IORT NCl NS 20 100 NS 54± 5 5 Gy EBRT 80 25 8 vs [8-year] [8-year] 15 p=0.05 15 35± 4 0 Gy EBRT+ 40 20 20 Gy IORT [8-year] [8-year] MSKCC 1992± 96 3 2 2 .8 8 4 62 45 Gy EBRT+ 38 56 15 Gy IORT [4-year] [4-year DFS] Institut B ergonie 1991± 94 1 9 1 .4 7 4 74 50 Gy EBRT+ 24 60 (Grade 17 Gy IORT [2-year] [2-year DFS] 2,3) MGH 1981± 89 17 3 82 76 4 0± 5 0 Gy EBRT+ 19 64 15± 2 0 Gy IORT [59%] [4 year] [4-year DFS] RTOG NS 12 1.5 NS 40± 5 0 Gy EBRT+ 17 12.5± 2 0 Gy IORT [2 year] GTR=gross total r esection, HG =high grade, L R=local recurrence, O S=overall survival, DFS=disease fre e sur vival, NCI=National Cancer Inst itute, M GH=Massachusetts General Hospit al, NS=not st ated, M SKCC=Memorial Sloan- Kettering Can cer Ce nter, R TOG=Radiation Therapy Oncology G roup. of int raoperative radi ation f or r e trop er i tonea l gastrointestinal tox icities oc curred i n 1 4% (12/87) sarcomas. A pr eliminary analysis o f 12 patients consisting m ainly of ® stula an d pr octitis. No grade 4 treated w ith EBRT ( 45± 50.4 Gy) plus I OERT toxicities wer e r eported. (12.5± 20 Gy) demonstrated a local f ailure of 17% at The pr eliminary M emorial Sloan -Kettering Can cer a median fo llow-up of 18 months. A t the Institut Center e xperie nce u sing H DR-IORT h as been 35,36 Bergonie, 19 retroperitoneal s arcomas w ere tr eated reported an d i s also fav orable. In a prospective with IOERT af ter maximal r esection. G TR wa s protocol, 32 patients were tr eated w ith gross total achieved in 79% (15/19). The m edian I OERT d ose resection and HDR -IORT (12 ± 15 Gy) followed by was 17 Gy (15± 20 Gy) with 13/19 receiving EBRT at post-operative EB RT (4 5± 50.4 Gy). HDR-IORT w as a median d ose o f 50 Gy (30± 60 Gy). At a median delivered u sing a cable-mounted ir idium-192 s ource follow-up o f 17 months, 2 -year actuarial local fail ure into a super¯ a b afterloading a pplicator. T welve was 24% with 2-year overall su rvival of 60%. Severe patients presented with primary an d 20 with locally late complications oc curred i n 6/ 19 patients and w ere recurrent di sease. T wo -thirds of the patient (20/32) likely m ultifactorial i n o rigin w ith one ` moderate ’ had hi gh-grade d isease an d the median tu mor s ize peripheral n europathy an d o ne ili ac v essel r upture. was 203 12.53 11 cm. A t a median fol low-up o f 33 Petersen at the Mayo Clinic r eported th e largest months (r ange 1 ± 77 months), th e 4-year actuarial experience w ith IOERT in the treatment of 87 retro- local f ailure for a ll patients was 38%. Subset an alysis peritoneal sar coma w ho h ad r eceived m aximal r esec- demonstrated that local f ailure for pr imary tu mors tion a nd pr eoperative EB RT. Eighty-three per ce nt was 26% vs 46% in re current d isease ( p=0.4). Tu mor (72/87) were able to undergo G TR wi th 64% having grade d id n ot im pact o n th e rate of local f ailure (40% microscopic resid ual and 20 % had no res idual tum ors. vs 33% for h igh- and low -grade tu mors, r espectively, All pr imary t umors (43/ 87) and 77% of recurrent p=0.66). A s tatistically signi® c ant higher 4 -year tumors rec eived a preoperative EBR T do se of 45± 48.6 actuarial rate of distant m etastases was detected i n Gy. All pat ients received in traoperative ele ctron r adia- the high-grade vs low-grade tum ors (30% vs 0%, tion to a median do se o f 15 Gy. At a median follow -up p=0.05, respectively). F our-year ac tuarial disease- of 3.5 years, 23% (20/87) developed a local r ecur- free a nd o verall s urv ival were 5 5 and 4 5%, rence wi th a 3- and 5-y ear actuarial local r ecurrence respectively. Neither pr esentation s tatus nor t umor of 23 and 41% , respectively. The am ount o f residual grade im pacted o n d isease-free or ov erall su rv ival. In disease s igni® can tly affected local co ntrol with 5-year this challenging g roup of patients treated w ith an local f ailure o f 0% for n o r esidua l, 43% for aggr es sive c omb ined m o dality reg i men, 34% microscopic r esidual an d 6 3% for g ross r esidual developed co mplications, t he majority of which wer e tumors (p=0.04). Interestingly, local r elapse oc curred multifactorial in etio logy an d re solved w ith conserva- in o nly 7% (3/43) of primary tu mors tre ated with tive management. B owel obs truction wa s the most IORT, EBRT an d G TR. Fi ve-year overall s urvival after gross tot al resection wa s 49%. Grade 3 peripheral common co mplication (18%) and ® stula fo rmation neuropathy oc curred in 10 % (9/87) while g rade 3 occurred in 9%. Also n oteworthy was a 6% (2/32) Radiation therapy of retrop eritoneal sarcoma 15 incidence of femoral ne rve p alsy which wer e m ild reported or it is po ssible that follow-up is t oo s hort to and he aled with out major in tervention. make a ® rm co nclusion. T he im provement in l ocal The l ow rate of peripheral n europathy i s r eas- control w ithout a sur v ival bene® t has been suring. Bas ed on ani mal stu dies an d t he NCI rand- demonstrated for e xtremity s arcomas. Moreover, omized t rial, the main to xicity ass ociated w ith IORT given t he morbidity an d m ortality associated wi th is p eripheral n europathy. A d ose o f 20 Gy appears local f ailure, l ocal c ontrol re mains a worthy objective. to be to xic as signi® ca nt ra tes o f peripheral neu ropathy IORT s eems to be a promising n ew m odality for the developed in the NCI trial (60%), while d oses o f 15 50% of patients whose re troperitoneal sar comas m ay Gy or les s app eared to be be tter tol erated (36% ). be g ross totally resected; howev er, i ts role i n su bto- One of the potential pr oblems with IOERT is th e tally resected patien ts remains t o be d e® n ed. New dependence o n un wieldy, r igid e lectron co nes t o treat treatment ap proaches i ntegrating I ORT, possibly narrow, anatomically complex su rfaces. In ad dition, concurrently wi th new ch emotherapeutic o r o ther if the target is lar ge, abu tting el ectron ® elds m ust b e biological age nts ne ed to be inv estigated. used.T hese f actors in troduce d osimetric i nhomoge- neities tha t may underdose the target or ov erdose References adjacent n ormal tis sue. 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Published: Jan 1, 2000

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